Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Earth Friendly Eating

Everyone seems to be Pointing Green.
Green is Good.

Except we like our Tomatoes RED.

This blog has been featuring the concept of
Growing your Own for Health and Wealth,
and the way our current Economic conditions are pointing,
The Home Garden will be a huge Topic this coming Spring.
In fact, now is the time to PLAN for your Abundant harvest.
Jump over to our Squidoo Posts and focus on the Seed

Also look over the great display of our affiliate sponsors
to your Left .

Order early, there will be a rush.

Along the same Lines I wanted to share this great article in
October Issue of one of my Favorite periodicals for the past 60 years.

From Readers' Digest
Article by Janis Graham

Earth-Friendly Eating

What's good for your body turns out to be good for the environment. Substitute chicken, fish or vegetables for Red Meat and Dairy just one day a week, and your family of four will eliminate the green house gases produced by a 760-mile car trip, say researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, who studied the impact of dozens of foods.

Other Ways ( that make more sense to me) to do your Part

Buy Local and Fresh Hooray!!!
Local isn't better if the food is stored for long periods of time (inane statement, who is going to store Local Produce?) Fresh-picked fare not only avoids long trips in fume-spewing trucks, planes and boats, but is also packs more nutrients and requires no preservatives. (that makes sense to this old veggie farmer)

Choose sun-ripened Fruits and vegetables
They generate fewer emissions than produce raised in heated Greenhouse.
(well, the plants don't create more emissions the Green house does from it's Heating source) Find out what is season in your area
Cut back on Processed Foods Hooray again!
A lot of mileage goes into foods with artificial sweetners, additives and preservatives because these ingredients are often shipped to the manufacturer from other locations. (more important is the faxct they just don't taste as GOOD and are not as GOOD for YOU)

Well, the Reader's Digest shared some powerful Information. More reasionds to
plan and plant your Garden this coming year. and if you are in Mild climate NOW, get those cole crops and onions and Greens in the ground and Enjoy the Health and Wealth of a successful garden.

Very soon, within weeks form this date 11-12-2008 I wil be releasing
an Excitinfg DVD showing you HOW TO Grow Tomatoes for Health and Wealth
Drop me an Email
or leave a Commentt. They will make DANDY Christmas presents
Follow a successful 24 plant from planting to final harvest and
see the Production and Income.

If you can't wait for more Info, call me
530-798-0245 Days Pacific

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